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SMI300 | Shrimp Molt Inducer

SKU: S384-000-20L
Type: SFS

When added to feed, the SMI300 amino acid complex will help to enhance the shrimp’s production of hormones necessary for molting. Induced molting of healthy shrimp increases production and safely shortens the crop cycle.

SMI300 is available in liquid form and can be applied as a topdress to feed at pond-side or added as a feed ingredient at the mill.


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SMI300 enhances the molting process by providing the necessary aminoacids towards a successful molt. 

SMI300 will also help to control parasites, bacterial or other infections in shrimp through a managed molt. 

When farmers can control and plot the growth of farmed species, higher profitability and lower input costs are achieved.

  • Improves feed conversion ratios, higher profits
  • High growth rates and shorter culture cycles
  • Re-supply of depleted nutrients avoids mortality associated with unsuccessful molts
  • Planned and managed shrimp growth for better crop control

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20L Pail

Volume: 20L

Ship Weight: 48 lbs


60L Drum

Volume: 60L

Ship Weight: 143.5 lbs


200L Drum

Volume: 200L

Ship Weight: 474 lbs


1000L Tote

Volume: 1000L

Ship Weight: 2394 lbs



Application Recommendations 

Choose dosage from the chart depending on month of culture the shrimp are in.

  • 1st Month of Culture: Use 2.0 lm per Kg of feed*
  • 2nd Month of Culture: Use 3.0 lm per Kg of feed* 
  • 3rd Month of Culture (until Harvest): Use 4.0 lm per Kg of feed*

Feed this amount for 1 "feed day" (1-2 main meals on feed day).
Feed Day is one day within each 7-10 days; feed as needed to induce molt.

*FOR BEST RESULTS: Dilute SMI300 1:50 with water. Spray mixture on to feed and allow to air dry 20 minutes. Feed to shrimp as directed.

SMI300 is safe and will not induce premature molting.

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Why do shrimp molt? + -

Shrimp need to molt, or slough off their shells, to be able to grow. 

When the shrimps body reaches shell capacity, they shed the old one and grow a new one. They will hide during this time since they are vulnerable without it. 

It takes 48-72 hours for the new shell to harden up. 

How often do you apply SMI300? + -

SMI300 is applied once weekly (or once every 7-10 days) for 1-2 meals. The application dose is low and will depend on the weight or growth stage of the shrimp. Request a detailed Product Information Sheet or consult with your dealer.

Can SMI300 help with managing bacterial or viral infections? + -

Yes. Infections in the shell or gills may be managed by inducing a controlled molt. Once the shrimp has molted, the residual pathogens in the pond or in the shrimp can be further mitigated by the application of BEL800 or by LAA1000.

What is the best time to begin feeding SMI300? + -

Use SMI300 when most shrimp exhibit dark, hard shells. Do no use if shrimp have recently molted. 

When should I stop feeding SMI300? + -

SMI300 can be introduced as additive to feed at anytime during the crop cycle. Discontinue 2 weeks before the scheduled harvest.


Molting is a necessary precondition for growth, and the practice of induced molting on healthy shrimp increases production and shortens the crop cycle.

SMI300 is specially formulated to enhance the molting process by providing the necessary aminoacids that may be deficient in shrimp and inhibit a successful molt. 

When applied to feed as a topdress or at the mill, this designer mix will help to convert proteins and lipids in the feed toward expedited production of hormones necessary for molting. Controlled molting results in faster growth. The correct application of SMI300 will also help to control parasites, bacterial or other infections in shrimp through a managed molt.

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Handling and Storage:

Apply only as intended. Though this product is non-toxic and nonhazardous, it is not suitable for human consumption. The manufacturer assumes no liability, expressed or implied, in the use of this product. 

Store this product out of direct sunlight in a cool (under 38° C) dry area. For best results, use within 24 months. Request a SMI300 SDS for more specific information.

Made in the USA.

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